Drop your email & I'll ping you when I make something worth your time.
Follow me at @superamit or email me at [current year] @amitgupta.com
Example: In 2050, you will use 2050@amitgupta.com (if email still exists)
My projects and I have been in The New York Times, Wall Street Journal, Wired, Rolling Stone, on MTV, CNN, BBC, NPR, the CBS Early Show, and NBC's Today Show.
I occasionally advise & invest in startups and coach founders.
Before THAT, I was an entrepreneur. I started Photojojo, the world's most fun photography store, where we created clever and joyful photography gear. I launched a worldwide coworking movement known as Jelly, helped Seth Godin start a non-profit, organized unusual tech conferences, camped overnight in Times Square, lived in a commune, published a book, contributed to a WSJ best-seller with Malcolm Gladwell and others, dropped out of college to start a company called The Daily Jolt.